Open for submissions: C’est Bon Anthology volume 22: SINGULARITY

The word Singularity has alot of different, variations, versions and comes in many colors. Many different professions and studys have their own version of the word, but one definition unites them all:

Change, and transforming into something undefined. Something far beyond what we know now.

For the next issue of C’est Bon Anthology, we want to know what you belive lies beyond or what the word Singularity means for you.

The deadline is in between now and March 15th! You can use the submission-page on our website or send us an email to!

Spec talk:

Anything is welcome, but best suited are comics about 4–22 pages. The format is 200×260 mm (7.9×10.2 in), black/white, in English. Within this space, there are no limits. If you’re interested, please send digital files using the form below, or paper copies to the address given here. We accept low-res files for consideration and will ask you for high-res files if your submission is accepted. The work can have been published before.

Note this: We are mainly looking for comics, graphic stories and sequiential art that tries to do something new and experiments with the medium. We LOVE new ideas and creative thinking.

We are loking forward to your submissions!
Here’s a little something from Wikipedia about it to get your thinking going. 

“Singularity (plural singularities)

The state of being singular, distinct, peculiar, uncommon or unusual A point where all parallel lines meetA point where a measured variable reaches unmeasurable or infinite value(mathematics) the value or range of values of a function for which a derivative does not exist(physics) a point or region in spacetime in which gravitational forces cause matter to have an infinite density; associated withblack holesA proposed point in the technological future at which artificial intelligences become capable of augmenting and improvingthemselves, leading to an explosive growth in intelligence.

Open for submisssions: C’est Bon Anthology vol 19: Interposed



a. To insert or introduce between parts.
b. To place (oneself) between others or things.

CALL ALL COMIC-CREATORS! Submissions are now open for the next issue of C’est Bon Anthology on the theme ‘INTERPOSED’!

What’s in between?

There’s always conflicts, both good and bad. But what happends in the space between? It’s either black or white, hard or soft, warm or cold, but what about grey? What about the middleground and what’s good enough?

For the next issue of C’est bon Anthology we invite comics, graphic stories, sequential art and storytelling (We don’t care what you want to call it, just do it.) based on the theme ‘Interposed’. We are dying to know what you think lives in between.

The deadline is in between now and September 15! You can use the submission-page on our website or send us an email to!

Spec talk:

Anything is welcome, but best suited are comics about 4–22 pages. The format is 200×260 mm (7.9×10.2 in), black/white, in English. Within this space, there are no limits. If you’re interested, please send digital files using the form below, or paper copies to the address given here. We accept low-res files for consideration and will ask you for high-res files if your submission is accepted. The work can have been published before.

Note this: We are mainly looking for comics, graphic stories and sequiential art that tries to do something new and experiments with the medium. We LOVE new ideas and creative thinking.

We are looking forward to see your amazing contributions!

/ C’est Bon Kultur



C’est Bon Anthology volume 17 is here from the printers any day now, and we are looking forward to what’s going to be our next issue. After celebrating our ten year anniversary and looking back at our history, we return to our roots. For the next volume of C’est Bon Anthology the theme is a question; WHAT IS ART? What defines the artist? What makes something art?

And as usual, what we’re looking for are comics that rely on artistic ambitions and a will to experiment rather than what has been done a thousand times before. We want to expand the boundaries of what’s possible to achieve in the comics medium. Try new things, experiment and explore! Because that’s what art is all about, right?


The deadline is Mars 15th 

For guidelines and more information about the submissions, head to the submissions page! You can send in your work trough the site, or send it in an email to


2012 November 7 – January 6
Part of AltCom 2012
Spegeln (Stortorget 29)
Opening Nov 7, 19-22

C’est Bon Kultur Presents: IN BETWEEN
(On November 7 of 2012, the intervals are revealed)

The comics collective C’est Bon Kultur take out the scalpel, cut along the lines of the thin sheets of reality, stepping into the borderlands between the panels. We try to exist between all the fabricated lines, created on paper by human hand. Precisely because they are created, designed, drawn in the sand, it is possible to look at them, to scrutinize their being, their silent division of the world. Surely there are stories there, in between other stories?

Seven artists take part in this exhibition:
One story, seven artists, six in betweens, seven stories.


Since 2001, C’est Bon Kultur has worked for a more varied and exciting comics culture in Sweden and on the international scene. The formal purpose of the organisation is to support, evolve and disseminate comics with higher artistic ambitions. The main vehicle for this purpose is the international comics art magazine, C’est Bon Anthology. We also arrange exhibitions of comics art, lectures and other cultural events.
The vision is to push the boundaries of what can be done in comics, to broaden the perspective of what the comics medium is and can be, both in relation to itself and to other art forms.

Photo by Fredrik Strömberg

Photo by Komikaze

Photo by Stripburger

10 years of C’est Bon

We had a spot in the program at Seriefrämjandet’s Seriescenen at the Gothenburg Book Fair in 2011:

C’est Bon Anthology fyller tio år C’est Bon Kultur har berikat Sveriges serieklimat med nyskapande och experimentella serier sedan 2001. Ledamöter i föreningen berättar om tidskriften C’est Bon Anthology och utställningsverksamheten, samt bjuder på kalas! 

C’est Bon Anthology vol. 13 – Levels


There are many kinds of levels out there: Physical, psychological, spiritual and digital. Every story in C’est Bon Anthology vol. 13 is on a level of its own.

cbavol13cvr_50x65mm_rgbIn “Giving Ground”, Lars Krantz shows the passing of time as a mechanism in body and clockwork alike. In Chad Verrill’s stories, medieval art meets video game graphics and creates a unique vision. Victor Kerlow blurs the line between being awake and dreaming, in a story called “Weird Things Downstairs”. Veiko Tammjärv creates iconic narrative art scapes in “Ape and the City”, where story is symbolic as much as it is sequential. And more stories, more levels.

Volume 13 features Niklas Asker (SE), Allan Haverholm (DK), Victor Kerlow (US), Lars Krantz (SE), Lawrence Marvit (US), Jess Smart Smiley (US), Veiko Tammjärv (EST), Chad Verrill (US), Rikke Villadsen (DK) and Henric Wallmark (SE).

C’est Bon Panorama III: Super Mario

2010 November, part of AltCom 2010

C’est Bon Panorama III
Interpretations of the colorful world of the hero plumber
Exhibition November 12 – January 16 @ Biograf/galleri Spegeln
Opening: November 12 at 17:00
[Sofia Falkenhem, Martin Flink, Allan Haverholm, Cin Iwarsson, Sarah Kläpp, Jamil Mani & Elisabeth Nielsen]

Super Mario is the pixeled hero with the big moustache, eating mushrooms, travelling through pipes and throwing turtle shells. Mario started his carreer as part of the supporting cast of Donkey Kong but soon got a leading part. So far, he shown up in over 200 video games. Many of us remember the early Mario from when a Nintento was a rectangular brick and you had to blow air into the games to make them work.
The sequential artists of C’est Bon Kultur present the third Panorama exhibition in as many years. The suite interprets well-known stories that most of us know and have a relationship to. It started with the oral tradistion of the Little Red Riding Hood, went on to the modern novel with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and has now finally reached the beginnings of the digital age with Super Mario, the golden boy of Nintendo.
The participants are Sofia Falkenhem, Martin Flink, Allan Haverholm, Cin Iwarsson, Sarah Kläpp, Jamil Mani and Elisabeth Nielsen. Each artist makes their unique interpretation of Super Mario and his world. by breaking down and rebuilding, pixel by pixel.