Piracy013 RELEASE event & exhibition

When: June 14 at 18-21 (the exhibition lasts until Jun 28)
Where: Rum för Serier (Friisgatan 12, Malmö)
What: Book release with comics exhibition
Opening hours:
Thursday (Jun 20): 17-20
Tuesday (Jun 25): 17-20
Thursday (Jun 27): 17-20

Piracy is Liberation 013: Missile Crisis is the latest part of Mattias Elftorp’s cyberpunk postapocalypse epic.


The City is firing sentient smart-missiles against terrorists hiding in the previously unknown desert. But who is this outer enemy?
Using metamagic, Purple learns how to fly and takes Information and Erica on an expedition to find out, but the truth comes with unexpected dangers.
Piracy is Liberation is a mix of classic cyberpunk elements in a dystopian future with a glimmer of postapocalyptic hope and a pinch of metamagic.

The story, which started in book 012, is a comment on the increasingly war-hungry media climate. It takes place far into the future, in a city where Capitalism is the only remaining religion, where the people don’t know that anything exists outside the City (until now) or that things have ever been different.

We invite you to an exhibition with material from the book along with some more stuff, new and old.
Haven’t read the earlier books in the series? Don’t worry, they’ll all be available at a special price.
Come and hang out, look at the pretty pictures, buy the pretty book and have some wine, it’ll be great!
We’ll keep going until 21 unless we decide to stay longer…

The exhibition is presented by Wormgod & CBK in cooperation with the Swedish Comics Association.

Feel free to share and invite people to the Facebook event.

PAPER ECHOES exhibition

CBK presents:

Where: Ateljé XX (Industrigatan 20B – entrance from the yard, Malmö)
When: March 4 (one day only) 15-22 (fika until 18, then wine)

During the fall of 2022, we invited a group of comic creators to join a number of workshops, where we took turns to introduce each other to new techniques or ways of making art and/or comics.

This exhibition is the result. From gelli printing to painting with razor blades to a non-chronological jam comic, we’ll be showing the best results of these workshops.

ARTISTS: Eileen Laurie, Saskia Gullstrand, Oskar Aspman, Caroline Ulvros, Henrik Rogowski, Kinga Dukaj, Mattias Elftorp

Facebook event


This project has support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.

CBK presenterar:

Var: Ateljé XX (Industrigatan 20B – ingång från gården, Malmö)
När: 4 mars (endast en dag) kl 15-22 (fika till kl 18, efter det tar vi fram vernissagevinet)

Under hösten 2022 bjöd vi in en grupp serieskapare för att vara med i ett antal workshops där vi turades om att introducera varandra för nya tekniker och sätt att göra serier och/eller konst.

I denna utställning visar vi resultatet av dessa workshops, från gelliprints till att måla med rakblad till en icke-kronologisk stafettserie.

KONSTNÄRER: Eileen Laurie, Saskia Gullstrand, Oskar Aspman, Caroline Ulvros, Henrik Rogowski, Kinga Dukaj, Mattias Elftorp

Facebook event

Detta projekt genomförs med stöd av Malmö Kulturnämnd.

PHOTOS from the exhibition opening

Oskar Aspman

Saskia Gullstrand

Caroline Ulvros (Leviathan)

Eileen Laurie

Henrik Rogowski

Henrik Rogowski

Henrik Rogowski

Non-linear jam comic by Oskar Aspman, Caroline Ulvros, Henrik Rogowski, Mattias Elftorp

Kinga Dukaj

Mattias Elftorp


PHOTOS from the workshops



RELEASE EVENT: Piracy is Liberation 012 & Vårdfällan

CBK presents, with Wormgod and Tusen Serier:
Piracy is Liberation 012: Outer Enemy & Vårdfällan, double book release with exhibition and book talks!

Where: Poeten på hörnet (Södra Förstadsgatan 65B, Malmö)
When: One-day event on February 25 at 18-21 (or whenever we’re finished)

This is the release event for 2 new books from CBK/Wormgod and Tusen Serier: Mattias Elftorp’s Piracy is Liberation 012: Outer Enemy and Raquel Lozano’s debut novel Vårdfällan. You can read about both books here.

There will be a small exhibition of prints from Piracy is Liberation. There will be wine. The books will be presented, with a reading from Vårdfällan. The books will be there, the authors will be signing, it’ll be great!

Both books are available for order now, from Hybriden and other places (Adlibris, Bokus, etc).

ORDER Piracy is Liberation 012: Outer Enemy (email us about review copies!)
ORDER Vårdfällan (email us about review copies!)

It’s getting harder and harder to be visible in social media, so feel free to help us by inviting anyone you know who might be interested! Thanks!


Digital exhibition: WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW (CBA vol 54|55)

CBK presents:
A new digital exhibitions to celebrate the release of CBA vol 54|55!

Where: hybriden.se
When: The exhibition starts Friday Sep 16 at 17:00
and will stay active for the foreseeable future (or at least until Nov 30).

Have you ever had to just stop what you’re doing and go: “Wait, is this a dream?”
When the unknown starts bleeding into reality and you are forced to question your sanity, if just a little bit.
You know the sort of thing that happens in dreams that makes you sure it’s just a dream? How do you cope when it happens in the waking world?

Artists: Kinga Dukaj [SE], Knut Larsson [SE], Oskar Aspman [SE], Radovan Popović [RS], Aleksandar Opačić [RS], Marcel Ruijters [NL], Saskia Gullstrand [SE], Aiden Kvarnström [SE], Katie Handley [UK], Felipe Kolb Bernardes [BR/DE/SE], Susanne Johansson [SE], Korina Hunjak [HR], Mattias Elftorp [SE], Ollie Severin [SE], Sid Church [CA], Henrik Rogowski [SE], David Lasky [US].
Exhibition by: Kinga Dukaj.

Go HERE to see the exhibition.
CBA vol 54|55: WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW and other books can be ordered from the Hybriden webshop.

This exhibition is presented with support from



We’d like to say a few words about one of the comic creators in CBA vol 54|55, Ollie Severin.
We recently heard about their untimely passing due to illness and we are heartbroken. We would like to send our deepest sympathy and sincerest condolences to their family and all their friends and comics colleagues.

2x exhibition: UNCOMICS & [PLACEHOLDER]

CBK presents:
Double release exhibition for the new CBA vol 53 & CBA vol 56|57!

Where: Panora/Fish Tank Gallery
When: The exhibition starts Thursday June 9 at 19:00
and will stay up until the middle of August (possibly a bit longer)

Two exhibitions at once, with international comics art to celebrate the release of two new volumes of CBA! From comics about the special situation brought by the pandemic to comics that break up their own form to such a level that they begin to question what comics as an art form is.

At the opening on June 9 at 19, you can witness a live painting/music performance with Grønvall.Haverholm.

Exhibition: [PLACEHOLDER] (CBA vol 53)
The pandemic was supposed to have a deadline, most of us agreed on a year but it lasted much longer. What happens when the world is paused for an indefinite time? What does this do to our experience of our existence? How do we replace our routines? We’re waiting, and in our wait, we imitate the “real” we hope will soon return. Like placeholders in our own lives.
Available now! Buy it here
Participating artists: Adrián A. Astorgano, Aiden Kvarnström, Felipe Kolb Bernardes, Ivana Filipovic, Julia Nascimento, Kinga Dukaj, Matt Carr, Mattias Elftorp, Nataniel E, Saskia Gullstrand, Tom Mortimer

Exhibition: UNCOMICS (CBA vol 56|57)
Abstract art emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction to the complexities and — just as often — atrocities of modern society. Meanwhile, embedded in the entertainment industry, comics evolved primarily in terms of disposable spectacle or literary ambition; stylized pictures in service of story.
Comics scholar Jan Baetens noted a decade ago that narrative “melts in the air when [abstraction] walks in”. Living in a time of hyperlinked, multi-threaded and immersive narrative, we suggest instead that abstraction opens up to non-linear, ambiguous understandings of comics. Understandings so contradictory in terms that we need a new phrase to describe them — we give you: uncomics.
An artistic field where contemporary art and comics inform each other. Where the absence of sequence encourages the reader to investigate the picture plane(s) in any direction and order, becoming an active co-creator in the process. A space outside the tedious limitations of story where images both abstract and suggestive interact. Comics, at last, as a visual art form.
Available now! Buy it here
Participating artists: allison anne, Anastasia Hiorns, Churchdoor Lounger, Gareth A Hopkins, Jeremy P. Bushnell, Kimball Anderson, Laurel Lynn Leake, Louis Deux, Mark Badger, Mattias Elftorp, Miika Nyyssönen, Rosaire Appel, Shaun Gardiner, Simon Russell, Tana Oshima, Tym Godek, Warren Craghead III, William Lillstjärna

Performance: Grønvall.Haverholm
Grønvall.Haverholm is an improvisational, crossover-media act combining live music and drawing with appropriate amplification – distortion and back projection.
Allan Grønvall (bass/guitars) has a varied musical background in the Danish metal underground of the 90s. In Grønvall.Haverholm he’s taken the DIY-mentality and lo-fi focus from back then to a new level.
Allan Haverholm (charcoal/paints) is a visual artist and editor. Moving from graphic novels via musical expressions in comics onto his current, abstract expressionist work, his work remains deeply moored in comics.
Giving concerts since early 2015, the duo have joined their individual fortés in avant-garde comics and extreme music into a unique, creative performance.

Order CBK books from Hybriden

Facebook event

This double exhibition is produced with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.


By Andrés Díaz García

By Allan Haverholm:

By Julia Nascimento:

CBK presents:
Digital release exhibition for the new CBA vol 52!

Where: hybriden.se/burnout
When: The exhibition starts Wednesday May 26 at 16:00
and will stay active for the foreseeable future
Buy the book: CBA vol 52

From hospital staff to comic creators to basically any job in the gig economy, burnout has become an increasingly normal part of everyday life for many of us since the term was getting widespread use in the late 1900s. Anyone who doesn’t have a steady income, or who is expected to do more work in less time than is reasonable, can feel it. So who or what is to blame? Could we create a situation, a systemic change, to avoid the conditions that cause burnout?
This volume of CBA explores BURNOUT. Not so much stories of depressing social realism, but rather artistic expressions of that feeling, suggestions for solutions, wishful thinking and visual abreactions. Expressions of rage rather than apathy, insurrection rather than complicity. Something to read for strength in times of austerity.

Exhibited artists:
Steve Nyberg [SE] | Mattias Elftorp [SE] | Henna Räsänen [FI] | Iso Sling Lindh [SE] | Tom Mortimer [UK] | Radovan Popović [RS] | Aleksandar Opačić [RS] | Manuel Rodriguez Navarro [DE] | Felipe Kolb Bernardes [BR/DE] | Korina Hunjak [HR] | Julia Nascimento [BR] | Aiden Kvarnström [SE] | Rasmus Gran [SE]
Exhibition organized by: Mattias Elftorp with Kinga Dukaj of CBK

The exhibition is presented with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.

Digital exhibition: UNDERWORLD

CBK presents:
A new digital exhibitions to keep social distancing while still being able to enjoy art!

Where: hybriden.se
When: The exhibition starts Saturday Mar 13 at 19:00
and will stay active for the foreseeable future

An online exhibition celebrating the launch of CBA vol 51 ‘Underworld’! Come have a sneak peek at what’s inside, and learn more about the amazing comic artists featured in the issue.

The Underworld exists in many forms: an invisible realm of all deceased, a torturous prison for sinners, whatever alien societies rule a ‘hollow earth’, as well as the non- mythological but equally weird organisms that really do scurry around below us. Less literally, it could imply unseen aspects of any organisation, or the darkest moments in an individual’s journey.

Artists: Tiffany Baxter [UK], Eric Falier [BE], Lars Krantz [SE], Aiden Kvarnström [SE], Kimmo Lust [FI], Elida Maiques [ES/IE], Shane Melisse [UK], Sajan Rai [UK/SE], Gar Shanley [IE], Damir Stojnic von Ktonsky [HR], Olivia Sullivan [UK], Nanami Takeuchi [UK], Lily Vie [UK].
Exhibition by: Kinga Dukaj, illustrated by Sajan Rai.

Go HERE to see the exhibition.
CBA vol 51: Underworld and other books can be ordered from the Hybriden webshop.


This exhibition is presented with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.


CBK presents:
Two new digital exhibitions to keep social distancing while still being able to enjoy art!

Go here to find the exhibitrions:

Both exhibitions are open from Wednesday Nov 25 at 15:00
and will stay active for the foreseeable future.

As we’ve said before:
To celebrate the latest volumes of CBA, we invite you to see these two exhibitions of comics pages from the books. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to show exhibitions in the usual way, so this time we’re making the exhibitions in digital form. Instead of meeting up at Hybriden to enjoy the art on the walls and mingle with wine and artists and other visitors, now you don’t even need to leave your home. Instead you can just visit the website and see them comfortably from your chair or couch or whatever you want to sit in. You can even drink your own wine and chat with friends on the internet at the same time, so it’s ALMOST like normal.

CBA and other books can be ordered from the Hybriden webshop.

Further information can be found when you go to the exhibitions, which are presented with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.

Two digital exhibitions: Nedjem & Origin of Life

CBK presents:
Two new digital exhibitions to keep social distancing while still being able to enjoy art!

Where: hybriden.se (direct links will be available on this site for the opening)
When: Both exhibitions open Wednesday Nov 25 at 15:00
and will stay active for the foreseeable future

To celebrate the latest volumes of CBA, we invite you to see these two exhibitions of comics pages from the books. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to show exhibitions in the usual way, so this time we’re making the exhibitions in digital form. Instead of meeting up at Hybriden to enjoy the art on the walls and mingle with wine and artists and other visitors, now you don’t even need to leave your home. Instead you can just visit the website and see them comfortably from your chair or couch or whatever you want to sit in. You can even drink your own wine and chat with friends on the internet at the same time, so it’s ALMOST like normal.

CBA and other books can be ordered from the Hybriden webshop.

Nedjem (CBA vol 48)
CBA vol 48 is about cats. Cats and the lifelong friendships we form with our furry friends. Bonds so strong and endearment so deep and ancient, it permeates our lives through time. You find cats in scary stories, in cute stories, they’re a sign of bad luck in some cultures and good luck in others, worshipped as deities or shunned like pests. Remnants of our relationships with the floofy furs are found not just all over the world, but all over the internet as well. Here’s our contribution to the Cat Library of Time.

Artists: Jonatan Rosén [SE], Henrik Rogowski [SE], Aiden Kvarnström [SE], Filip Kelava [HR], Alexandra Duma-Dancai [RO/SE], Ivana Filipović [RS/CA], Helena Menanda [SE], Ivana Armanini [HR], Mattias Elftorp [SE], Kinga Dukaj [SE].

Origin of Life (CBA vol 49)
Where were you born? Where are you from? When these questions are asked really what the person means often is, who are you?
In the new volume of CBA we want you to ask yourselves some questions. Who are humanity as a collective consciousness? Where do we come from? All these little specks of life in this big dark space of nothing, and for what?

Artists: Ana Biscaia [PT], Ivana Geček [HR], Mattias Elftorp [SE], Ivana Filipović [RS/CA], Henrik Rogowsk [SE], Leviathan [SE], Lisa Örtlund [SE].

The exhibitions are presented with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.

Release exhibition for CBA vol 47: Science/Fiction

Release exhibition for: CBA vol 47: Science/Fiction
Place: Hybriden (Mitt Möllan, Bangatan 5, Malmö)
Opening: January 24, 17-22
Lasts until: February 19 (probably)
Opening hours: Tue-Fri: 11-16, Sat: 12-16

Welcome to the release event and exhibition for the latest issue of the international comics anthology!

Join us for an evening of comics and drunk in celebration of the Future and the ongoing fictionalization of our reality. Check out comic samples on the walls, featuring these great artists:
Danijel Žeželj [HR/US], Radovan Popović [RS], Korina Hunjak [HR], Ivana Filipović [RS/CA], Avi Heikkinen [FI], Francisco Sousa Lobo [PT], Oskar Aspman [SE], Kinga Dukaj [SE], Mattias Elftorp [SE].

About CBA vol 47:

Science and fiction rule our lives. The laws of physics seem set in stone while the laws of man are arbitrary mirrors of the morality of the times. Gods and spirits are creations of the mind but also the explanation when comprehension fails. What lies beyond our understanding? Is it more science or something else? What dark forces lurk outside our field of vision? What machineries of death and destruction are we yet to invent in the name of money (which used to be metal and paper but is now to a great extent nothing but speculation and expectations)? What (or who) else meet in the intersection between science fiction and real science? What came first? The egg or the hatching machine?

If you can’t make it to Hybriden, you can order the book at the Hybriden webshop.

Main editor of this issue: Mattias Elftorp
The exhibition is organized with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd, the anthology with support from Kulturrådet. Exhibition printed at Fanzineverkstaden.

Feel free to invite people to the Facebook event.

Photos from the exhibition: