Piracy013 RELEASE event & exhibition

When: June 14 at 18-21 (the exhibition lasts until Jun 28)
Where: Rum för Serier (Friisgatan 12, Malmö)
What: Book release with comics exhibition
Opening hours:
Thursday (Jun 20): 17-20
Tuesday (Jun 25): 17-20
Thursday (Jun 27): 17-20

Piracy is Liberation 013: Missile Crisis is the latest part of Mattias Elftorp’s cyberpunk postapocalypse epic.


The City is firing sentient smart-missiles against terrorists hiding in the previously unknown desert. But who is this outer enemy?
Using metamagic, Purple learns how to fly and takes Information and Erica on an expedition to find out, but the truth comes with unexpected dangers.
Piracy is Liberation is a mix of classic cyberpunk elements in a dystopian future with a glimmer of postapocalyptic hope and a pinch of metamagic.

The story, which started in book 012, is a comment on the increasingly war-hungry media climate. It takes place far into the future, in a city where Capitalism is the only remaining religion, where the people don’t know that anything exists outside the City (until now) or that things have ever been different.

We invite you to an exhibition with material from the book along with some more stuff, new and old.
Haven’t read the earlier books in the series? Don’t worry, they’ll all be available at a special price.
Come and hang out, look at the pretty pictures, buy the pretty book and have some wine, it’ll be great!
We’ll keep going until 21 unless we decide to stay longer…

The exhibition is presented by Wormgod & CBK in cooperation with the Swedish Comics Association.

Feel free to share and invite people to the Facebook event.

2x exhibition: UNCOMICS & [PLACEHOLDER]

CBK presents:
Double release exhibition for the new CBA vol 53 & CBA vol 56|57!

Where: Panora/Fish Tank Gallery
When: The exhibition starts Thursday June 9 at 19:00
and will stay up until the middle of August (possibly a bit longer)

Two exhibitions at once, with international comics art to celebrate the release of two new volumes of CBA! From comics about the special situation brought by the pandemic to comics that break up their own form to such a level that they begin to question what comics as an art form is.

At the opening on June 9 at 19, you can witness a live painting/music performance with Grønvall.Haverholm.

Exhibition: [PLACEHOLDER] (CBA vol 53)
The pandemic was supposed to have a deadline, most of us agreed on a year but it lasted much longer. What happens when the world is paused for an indefinite time? What does this do to our experience of our existence? How do we replace our routines? We’re waiting, and in our wait, we imitate the “real” we hope will soon return. Like placeholders in our own lives.
Available now! Buy it here
Participating artists: Adrián A. Astorgano, Aiden Kvarnström, Felipe Kolb Bernardes, Ivana Filipovic, Julia Nascimento, Kinga Dukaj, Matt Carr, Mattias Elftorp, Nataniel E, Saskia Gullstrand, Tom Mortimer

Exhibition: UNCOMICS (CBA vol 56|57)
Abstract art emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction to the complexities and — just as often — atrocities of modern society. Meanwhile, embedded in the entertainment industry, comics evolved primarily in terms of disposable spectacle or literary ambition; stylized pictures in service of story.
Comics scholar Jan Baetens noted a decade ago that narrative “melts in the air when [abstraction] walks in”. Living in a time of hyperlinked, multi-threaded and immersive narrative, we suggest instead that abstraction opens up to non-linear, ambiguous understandings of comics. Understandings so contradictory in terms that we need a new phrase to describe them — we give you: uncomics.
An artistic field where contemporary art and comics inform each other. Where the absence of sequence encourages the reader to investigate the picture plane(s) in any direction and order, becoming an active co-creator in the process. A space outside the tedious limitations of story where images both abstract and suggestive interact. Comics, at last, as a visual art form.
Available now! Buy it here
Participating artists: allison anne, Anastasia Hiorns, Churchdoor Lounger, Gareth A Hopkins, Jeremy P. Bushnell, Kimball Anderson, Laurel Lynn Leake, Louis Deux, Mark Badger, Mattias Elftorp, Miika Nyyssönen, Rosaire Appel, Shaun Gardiner, Simon Russell, Tana Oshima, Tym Godek, Warren Craghead III, William Lillstjärna

Performance: Grønvall.Haverholm
Grønvall.Haverholm is an improvisational, crossover-media act combining live music and drawing with appropriate amplification – distortion and back projection.
Allan Grønvall (bass/guitars) has a varied musical background in the Danish metal underground of the 90s. In Grønvall.Haverholm he’s taken the DIY-mentality and lo-fi focus from back then to a new level.
Allan Haverholm (charcoal/paints) is a visual artist and editor. Moving from graphic novels via musical expressions in comics onto his current, abstract expressionist work, his work remains deeply moored in comics.
Giving concerts since early 2015, the duo have joined their individual fortés in avant-garde comics and extreme music into a unique, creative performance.

Order CBK books from Hybriden

Facebook event

This double exhibition is produced with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.


By Andrés Díaz García

By Allan Haverholm:

By Julia Nascimento:


CBK presents:
Two new digital exhibitions to keep social distancing while still being able to enjoy art!

Go here to find the exhibitrions:

Both exhibitions are open from Wednesday Nov 25 at 15:00
and will stay active for the foreseeable future.

As we’ve said before:
To celebrate the latest volumes of CBA, we invite you to see these two exhibitions of comics pages from the books. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to show exhibitions in the usual way, so this time we’re making the exhibitions in digital form. Instead of meeting up at Hybriden to enjoy the art on the walls and mingle with wine and artists and other visitors, now you don’t even need to leave your home. Instead you can just visit the website and see them comfortably from your chair or couch or whatever you want to sit in. You can even drink your own wine and chat with friends on the internet at the same time, so it’s ALMOST like normal.

CBA and other books can be ordered from the Hybriden webshop.

Further information can be found when you go to the exhibitions, which are presented with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.

Lore release event in Cairo

Koshk Comics (Egypt) are arranging a release event for CBA vol 44: LORE, with an exhibition on the Folklore theme, July 12, starting at 7 pm at Haward gallery in Cairo.

Koshk Comics collaborated with us on this volume by extending our call for submissions especially through their network of creators in North Africa and the Middle East, to create a journey through the world Folklore by bringing together comic artists from different countries to produce graphic stories which was published in vol 44 of CBA.

In this version of the release exhibition they will also add some extra comics that weren’t in the actual book, such as Tunisian comic artist Seif Eddine Nechi, the founder of Soubia, who will also be present at the event. Seif has won the Cairo Comix prize for the best graphic story in 2017 for his story (bombyx) which also won the Mahmoud Kahil prize in 2017.
The second guest at this event is Kalk كلك, the experimental comics quest where they are seeking different types of narratives. Kalk has participated in many exhibitions in Sweden where they have also published two comic stories.

So if you are nearby you should drop in and have a look at this extended version.

As children, we’ve been told hundreds of frightening stories by our mothers, grandmothers, or even our older siblings.
These stories have been passed through generations to deliver some kind of wisdom or to prevent children from committing stupid things. These stories are like the oral history of our culture.

However, when we grew up and met people from different cultures around the world, we discovered that these stories exist in almost every civilization but forms in different shapes, and may be this is what unites us as human beings, the same fear of darkness, strangers, the unknown fate, or our hidden desires.

It’s always the same story, the story of our feelings as vulnerable creatures trying to control the world by creating monsters and heroes to fight them.

The exhibition will take you on a very unique journey across space and time, where you can discover the common narratives between the human beings, and also how those global modern comic artists look through our heritage.

The exhibition will be available for the audience from 12th until 20th of July.
Koshk (and CBK, if only in spirit) are awaiting all of you on the 12th of July to join our great adventure.

Check the Facebook event for any more news about this event.

Fanzineverkstaden exhibition & Fosfor distro

Fanzineverkstaden has been open for almost a year now, and we thought it was time to showcase some of the material that’s been produced so far.

On Wednesday June 5, 17-22, we open a permanent exhibition at Hybriden, where you can see screen prints, zines and more by some of the members at Fanzineverkstaden.

This will also be the official opening event for Fosfor, our zine distro that now exists at the Hybriden website and will now also be available in the physical shop/exhibition space. Come and have a look at around 150 different titles!

It’s also a chance to see the current Lore exhibition by CBK, which will stay up for a while longer.

There will be snacks and wine.
See you there!

Fanzineverkstaden is run by Tusen Serier in close cooperation with CBK, with support by Arvsfonden.

Release party for CBA vol 43: Corners

On February 8 we invite you to come by our gallery space Hybriden (@ Mitt Möllan, Bangatan 5) for the release of the latest issue of our international anthology, CBA vol 43: Corners.

The release will come with an exhibition displaying some of the artwork by the featured artists in the anthology. Participating artists in the exhibition are:

Alice Monvaillier [FR]
Viti Sanchez [ES]
Alva Nylander [SE]
Laura Endy [ES]
Margo [PT]
pablo_diablo_69 [ES]
Diego Shim [ES]
Gonzalo de las Heras [ES]
Insulyna [VE]
Vibi LeFleu [ES]
Rui Moura [PT]
Adrián A. Astorgano [ES]
Bori Tompa [HU]
Claudia Torán [ES]
Pablo Gil [ES]

On top of that, we will have an interactive shopwindow for you to draw and leave your mark. At the same time you can move your ass to the rythms delivered by D. SHIM and DJ FIMP.

There will be wine and snacks and alcohol-free options, you bring the good vibes.



SIS 2018

CBK will be at SIS (Stockholms Internationella Seriefestival), May 5-6 at Kulturhuset, together with Tusen Serier and Wormgod and several of our crew members and artists. You’ll find us at tables H5-H8 (in Hörsalen).

We will receive fanzines for the new Fosfor distro that will soon open at Hybriden.se/fosfor! We’ll take a maximum of 5 copies of each title!
Along with your zines we also need presentation texts about each title (preferably via email). You can also give us zines for Fosfor in other ways. If you are in Malmö, you can bring them to Hybriden (but check beforehand to see that we are there since we’re not open every day) or you can send them via snailmail.
Contact us at fosfor [at] hybriden [dot] se for more info.

We will also have a presentation on stage, Saturday May 5 at 14:

AltCom 2018, Fanzineverkstaden & Fosfor
Mattias Elftorp and Kinga Dukaj will present some of the things organized by Tusen Serier (in collaboration with CBK) in Malmö this year:
In May, Fanzineverkstaden (the Zine Workshop), an open collective workshop for selfpublishing comics creators, will open. In conjunction with this we’ll also re-open the zine distro Fosfor.
In August 23-26 it’s time for the latest edition of the international alternative comics festival AltCom. This year’s theme is HOW TO SURVIVE A DICTATORSHIP.

See you there!


Malmö Gallery Night 2017 @ HYBRIDEN (Mitt Möllan)

© Mitt Möllan

© Mitt Möllan

© Mitt Möllan

© Mitt Möllan

Malmö Gallerinatt is an annual event held last Saturday in September every year, when many of Malmö’s galleries and art institutions have a common evening opening between 18-24.

This year all of Mitt Möllan was turned into an eye-candy spectacle!
All of Mitt Möllan had about 4000-5000 visitors, and we counted over 1200 people at Hybriden.

It’s great to have people find CBK, HYBRIDEN and TUSEN SERIER so that we get a chance to show off all our great comic books, artworks, artists and meet new people!

Tropicana Dreams 2017

© Tropicana Dreams

© Tropicana Dreams

© Tropicana Dreams

© Tropicana Dreams

© Gonzalo

Simultaneously a new comic-festival emerged from sunny Mallorca with the fitting name “Tropicana Dreams.” Of course some of us participated!
Crew from both CBK and TUSEN SERIER flew to Mallorca to enjoy the sun and the newness. Meeting new people and stocking up on prints to sell @ HYBRIDEN.

We’re all looking forward to next years edition of both happenings!

Don’t miss TUSEN SERIERS release party and exhibition opening of “En andra chans” (A Second Chance) at Hybriden, Oct 20, 17-22.

Release event: Creation of the Necronomicon

Saturday, September 16, will be the release party for Creation of the Necronomicon by Henrik Möller & Lars Krantz.
It will be at Plan B (Norra Grängesbergsgatan 19, Malmö), between 19-03.

IMPORTANT: Plan B is a membership club and you need to become a member in order to get in.
Visit kollektivetrecords.com to find all the information you need and the sign-up forms.

Plan “Best” members: 50kr
Plan “Basic” members: 70kr (50kr presale + 20kr at the door)

We are selling tickets for two screenings. If sold out, we will do a third one and move the Dipper show after the the third and last screening. Once you bought a ticket, you will be able to attend the whole event and see all screenings and enjoy all the bands playing live BUT the seatings will be limited to the people with tickets for each screening.

Doors: 7PM
08:00PM : 1st screening
08:45PM : Live: Skenet Bedrar (Mö)
09:30PM : 2nd screening
10:15PM : Live: “Secret fucking amazing punk band” (Mö) + Dipper (Mö)
Karaoke + DJs till 3AM

Check for updates at the Facebook event.

Another collaboration between filmmaker Henrik Möller and comics artist Lars Krantz. The self-contained sequel to their Creation of a god, this is an elaboration on the mythology created by HP Lovecraft concerning the mad poet Abdul Alhazred and the creation of the accursed Necronomicon.

I don’t want to dream – R’lyehsfest for CBA vol 36|37

I don’t want to dream: art exhibition by Spyros Verykios
& release party for CBA vol 36|37 by CBK

Opening: May 5, 17-22 @ Hybriden (Bangatan 5 / Claesgatan 8, Malmö)
The exhibition will remain until May 25 (Tue-Thu 14-18)

Facebook event

I don’t want to dream is a comic of 43 pages, entirely painted in oil, by Greek artist Spyros Verykios. It is a metaphysical horror story about how an experiment with mind-expanding drugs has unexpected consequences – or is it something else entirely? The borders between what is dream, reality and bedtime story are blurred sometimes.

In this very special exhibition, we will show a selection of the original paintings from this comic. There will also be some unrelated bonus material included, such as the originals from another of Verykios’ stories, published back in CBA vol 7.

cbavol36cvrLet’s plunge together into the pits of madness. Let’s watch the dissolution of reality, let’s dance with clear heads and see where it takes us. Let’s travel the river hiding in the desert sands until the wind rises and we reach the final collapse. Let’s look deep into the eye of the tiger. And see afterwards if we dare to dream.

The exhibition opening is also the release party (or as we like to say, R’lyehsfest) for the new CBA vol 36|37 (pre-order it here) where I don’t want to dream is included, along with three other stories, by Akab [IT], Elena Guidolin [IT] and Serena Schinaia [IT]. Cover by Radovan Popović [RS]. The theme for this volume is In the pits of madness.

Here are some samples from the exhibition (and you can find more from the book at our Instagram):

spyros01 spyros02 spyros03 spyros04 spyros05 spyros06 spyros07 spyros08

Also check out Spyros Verykios at Instagram and Behance.

The exhibition is organized with the support of Malmö Kulturstöd, in cooperation with ABF Malmö. CBA vol 36|37 was made possible with the help of our crowdfunders at Indiegogo.