C’est Bon Kultur presents:
Release party for C’est Bon Anthology vol 28 & exhibition: “Space”.

When? Thursday, April 23 2015
Where? Tusen Serier at Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, Malmö
Who? Frøydis Sollid Simonsen, Karoline Stjernfelt, Mari Ahokoivu
+ artists from CBA vol 28

Frøydis Sollid Simonsen, Karoline Stjernfelt and Mari Ahokoivu have made the exhibition Space which has been shown in Norway can soon be seen in Finland. Now it comes to Malmö in conjunction with the release of the new issue of C’est Bon Anthology, which has the theme Signs and science and contains some of the comics from the exhibition. To celebrate this coincidence, we have added some of the other comics to this edition of the exhibition and turned the whole thing into a combined release party and exhibition.

Signs of science? The science of signs? Or neither, or both. How about the sleep depriving thought of eternity when you turn off the lights at night. Of the ever reaching deepness of space, black holes and the creation of photons in the core of the sun. How about when you get lost in thought, staring at your thumb, thinking about how the cells in your skin work and work and work, divide and fall off. The molecules they are made of. The vanishing weight of the atoms.


CBA vol 28 is also the last anthology issue from the former editorial crew. Since every other issue is a special graphic novel issue, vol 30 (September) will be the first issue from the (almost) completely new crew. In other words, this is the end of an era and at the same time the seed for what is to come, since it’s already the new crew organizing this event.

Comics creators in CBA vol 28:
Steve Nyberg [SE]
Jamil Mani [SE]
Maciej Kalymon [SE]
John Daily [SE]
Marine Schneider [BE]
Carolina Hicks [US/SE]
Mattias Elftorp [SE]
Mari Ahokoivu [FI]
Allan Haverholm [DK]
Ylva Oknelid [SE]
Christoffer Frostgård [SE]
Karoline Stjernfelt [SE]
Milena Simeonova [BG]
Cover: Christina Cromnow [SE]
Illustrations: Emei Burell [SE]

CBA vol 28 is here!


There’s been an absence of posts for a while and we haven’t even shown you some of the latest issues. But things are about to change. We have a new editorial crew and we’re working on catching up with everything, like sending out the latest issues to our subscribers. Please be patient with us!

Anyway, here’s a picture of our latest issues:


The releaseparty for CBA 28 is on the 23rd of April, read more here!

Open call for submissions for C’est Bon Anthology: Signs and Science


Signs of science? The science of signs? Or neither, or both.
Deadline: 1 September 2014
How about the sleep depriving thought of eternity when you turn off the lights at night. Of the ever reaching deepness of space, black holes and the creation of photons in the core of the sun.How about when you get lost in thought, staring at your thumb, thinking about how the cells in your skin work and work and work, divide and fall off. The molecules they are made of. The vanishing weight of the atoms.

How did the insects develop wings? What is the purpose of the flick-flack of the Rechenbergi spider, the tiny squeak of the desert rain frog, the Higgs boson? And what is dark energy anyway? The history of the natural sciences is filled with wonder, with horror and gore, with idealism and the search for truth, but above all curiosity.

C’est Bon invites you to send in your work for our upcoming issue, Signs and Science! Best suited are comics about 4–22 pages. The format is 200×260 mm (7.9×10.2 in), full colour, in English or wordless. Within this space, there are no limits. We accept low-res files for consideration and will ask you for high-res files if your submission is accepted.

Unfortunately we can’t offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 5 free copies of the issue and we will promote you and your work on our website, on social forums, in press releases etc. That’s all we can offer at this date. Hopefully you will find being in C’est Bon Anthology an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material will stay in your hands.

Send your submissions via the form at or to

Sequential Investigations

Vernissage 12 juni 2014 kl. 16-21
Finissage 5 juli kl. 15-19

Sequential Investigations är en utställning som visar några av de starkaste drivkrafterna bakom experimentella serier idag. Utställningen visades under 2013 i Vancouver och består av original, konsttryck och väggprojektioner av skapare utspridda i Nordamerika och Europa.

Osamu Tezuka, den moderna mangans fader, har citerats med att säga att serier “bör vara som luft”. I många avseenden kan denna förutsägelse idag sägas ha förverkligats. Tecknade serier har blivit en naturlig form för många konstnärer att uttrycka sig genom, både för mer traditionella serieskapare som försöker ta sig in vad som löst kallas mainstreamserier, och för de serieskapare som applicerar seriens grammatik i nya och outforskade kontexter.

Den gemensamma nämnaren för konstnärerna i utställningen är kanske just att de använder sig av seriemediet lika naturligt som att andas. Deras verk är inte uttryck för hur serier har varit, utan är snarare en funktion av det syntax inneboende i seriegrammatikens hjärta, fritt översatt för deras eget bruk. De är fortfarande igenkännbara som serier, men inom det sekventiella ramverket ryms distinkta visioner och en vilja att kartlägga de perifera områdena av serietopografin.


Dunja Jankovic, Sophie Yanow, Aidan Koch, Warren Craghead, Derik A. Badman, Alyssa Berg, Julie Delporte, Simon Moreton & Oliver East

Exhibition: Sequential Investigations at STPLN in Malmö


This thursday we premiere the exhibition “Sequential Investigations: the New Comics” in Sweden!

Sequential Investigations is an exhibition of original art, prints, and wall projections showcasing some of the finest experimental artists working on the periphery of the comics form, pushing and probing the potential of sequential storytelling.

How to talk about comics in terms that don’t ignore or even exclude one aspect or other? Most people with the slightest interest in the form know that genre trappings or age divisions don’t make any sense at this point. 30 years ago people proclaimed that comics had “grown up”, but that term seems to be moot now that comics for all and any ages have gained general acceptance.

The father of modern manga, Osamu Tezuka, is quoted as saying that comics “should be like air”. Depending on your interpretation, that prediction may have come true, as sequential narrative has become a natural form of expression, both for traditional comics artists trying to break into a steadily narrowing mainstream, and for artists from other fields who test the comics grammar in new, often unexpected contexts.

That is probably the common denominator between the artists presented in this exhibition: that they use the form as naturally as breathing. Their work doesn’t relate to comics as they were, but as they have always been at their core, that is, a set of syntaxes that anyone can use to communicate their own personal message. These are no “grown-up” comics, or even a “new” kind of comics as the exhibition title could be construed; rather, they are distinct, artistic visions that are also very clearly recognizable as comics. Within the sequential framework the exhibitors probe and explore the possibilities of comics and, as it were, chart the unmapped areas in the process.

New posters!

Woohoo! Look what came in the door, just in time for the Stockholm International Comics Festival!

CBA vol 20/21 cover illustration by Kolbeinn Karlsson, POSTERIZED!


CBA vol 22 cover illustration by Sarah Kläpp


CBA vol 11 cover illustration by Allan Haverholm

All of the above posters are A3 format and printed on heavy art stock, and we will obviously be selling those at the Stockholm festival, as well as all our latest publications, until we can sell no more (after that we do a song and dance)!

Cabinet of Curiosity


Cabinet-of-CuriosityThe eminent Sarah Kläpp has concocted a great, portable exhibition, Cabinet of Curiosity. Hidden inside are all kinds of mysteries and curiosities. We will bring the exhibition to Stockholm International Comics Festival as well as other festivals we attend this year. We’re really excited to show off this cool exhibition.