CBA vol 40 – Call for submissions: Comics & Texts

CBA vol 40 – Worst Case Scenario
(Guidelines for text pieces and comics for this issue at the bottom of this description)

What’s the worst that could happen? And if that happens, what’s the worst that could happen? And if that happens, what’s the worst that could happen? And so on…

There’s a psychiatric method in cognitive behavioral therapy called “The Downward Arrow Technique” where you begin by writing down the answers to this repeated question and we thought it’d be the perfect theme for our upcoming CBA vol 40. Especially since this is an election year in Sweden. Especially since war and famine and climate change and personal disasters are on the horizon. So how bad can it get?

Deadline: APRIL 15
Main editor: Kinga Dukaj
Color scheme: Black and white

Editors note: The goal in the Downward Arrow Technique is to explore your core beliefs and work through them, and is often used for anxiety, phobias and other disruptive thought patterns. This method is very practical, simple and effective in helping the person get to the root of their negative thoughts and unhealthy beliefs about themselves. However, this is not the goal in CBA vol 40. We just want to know the worst.

Please read and follow these guidelines:
Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20x26cm
Color: Black and white
Language: English
Format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi grayscale
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean:
Within this space, there are no limits.

Please send us high-resolution files from the start.
Also include a short presentation text about yourself, with one URL (if you have a website).
Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!

Unfortunately we cannot offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can offer at this date. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material will stay in your hands.

We’re looking for texts that touch upon this subject, preferably articles, essays and exploratory texts. We’re not looking for short stories in this issue.

Think of a scenario where you imagine the absolute worst thing that could happen.
When you have that in mind, ask: if that happens, whats the worst that could happen?
When you have that answer continue asking it about 3 more times until you’ve got a clear story.
Use this as a script for your comic.

We’ look forward to seeing your submissions!

You can also attend the Facebook event here!

AltCom is coming!

As you may know, we are organizing the AltCom 2016: WORK comics festival together with Tusen Serier on July 28-31 in Malmö.

You can find the program for the festival here.

One of our contributions will be the release/exhibition for the new CBA vol 34: Re: Creation & Idleness. @ Mitt Möllan, July 28-29, 17-23.

You can pre-order the book here.


Poster design: Mattias Elftorp. Original art: Alexander Robyn

It’s time to put on your leisure suit and get to work on whatever. Whatever you want. Whatever. Is it working? No! It’s not working at all. Maybe it’s a sci-fi utopia. Or is it a fantasy? It’s all the time in the world. Odd moments are even. Time is money and everyone’s a billionaire. Spare some time? Here: free time for everyone! High quality time! No work and all play.

Participating artists:
Alexander Robyn | Steve Nyberg | Jasmina Grudnik | Harukichi | Javier Triviño Murillo | Anna Krztoń | Petra Lilla Marjai | Aurélien Leif | Štěpánka Jislová | Mattias Elftorp


Poster by Mattias Elftorp

CBK organized the first AltCom back in 2004 as a one-time event, then it was turned into a full-scale comics festival and run by the Swedish Comics Association in 2010, 2012 and 2014. And now it’s back with us and Tusen Serier.

There will be exhibitions, films and a comics fair. During all of the festival, we will also give out the AltCom 2016: WORK anthology for free.


The book features an assortment of international artists, many of whom have been published in CBA over the years. Cover illustration by Kinga Dukaj.

Read more about it here.

And of course we will have a table and sell our books at the comics market on July 30-31 in Folkets Park.

On another note, CBA vol 35: BLEED has its submissions deadline on August 1, so if you have an amazing comic with lots of blood lying around, don’t hesitate to send it to us (see our submission guidelines for instructions).

Main editor for this volume: Kinga Dukaj


Illustration by Kinga Dukaj


CBA vol 34-36: Call for submissions

We’ve changed the submission process a bit for CBA. Now we are calling for submissions for three of our upcoming volumes at once, to be able to make better long-term plans.
We’ve also appointed one main editor for each volume. The selection will still be made collectively, but the main editor will have the final say on what goes into their specific volume.

DEADLINE (for all three volumes): May 15


So, here are the themes for the upcoming issues:

CBA vol 34 – Re: Creation & Idleness NO MORE SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS VOLUME.
Main Editor: Steve Nyberg
Description: It’s time to put on your leisure suit and get to work on whatever. Whatever you want. Whatever. Is it working? No! It’s not working at all. Maybe it’s a sci-fi utopia. Or is it a fantasy? It’s all the time in the world. Odd moments are even. Time is money and everyone’s a billionaire. Spare some time? Here: free time for everyone! High quality time! No work and all play.

The release of this issue will coincide with the AltCom 2016 festival (July 28-31) and is the antithesis of the festival’s WORK theme.

Main Editor: Kinga Dukaj
Description: Blood is of the essence.
It can be a mesmerizing thing. Either when it gushes from an artery or trickles down a finger, drips delicately from the ceiling or whooshes in your ears.
Are you sure those chills that run down your spine aren’t ones of pleasure as you notice your fellow passenger picking mindlessly at a scab, and you imagine yourself ripping it off and licking it clean then and there?

CBA vol 36 – Fragments of past time NO MORE SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS VOLUME.
Main Editor: Christina Cromnow
Description: The past can be found in the form of small parts inside your body. Some parts are impossible to get rid of. Maybe they’re important, maybe they’re not. But they do exist for a reason. What is your reason?
Even though your past time is out of reach, there is always the possibility of deciding how it will look in front of other people. What would your fragments look like if you showed them in public?

Please see our submission guidelines.

Send questions & comics to submissions [at] cbkcomics [dot] com

Unfortunately, we still can’t pay you anything for participating. You will get 10 free copies, and we hope that you’ll find being in CBA an opportunity to do some non-commercial work and to experiment with the comics as an art form. Consequently, we do accept comics that have already been published elsewhere, as long as we like them and they fit into the themes. Feel free to mention which theme you intend your comic for, but please note that the volume you have in mind may not necessarily be the one your comic ends up in.

Submissions for CBA vol 32

cbavol32submissions-eventWe are now open for submissions to the first anthology issue with the new editorial crew of CBA.

This will be CBA vol 32, the first issue of 2016 which marks the ten year anniversary of this incarnation of the antholoy. You will join the ranks of such great artists as Anke Feuchtenberger, Danijel Zezelj, David Mack, Ho Che Anderson, Rutu Modan and many more (see the complete list of creators who have participated in the past)!

What we are looking for is comics which rely on artistic ambitions and a will to experiment rather than what has been done a thousand times before. We want to expand the boundaries of what is possible to achieve in the comics medium.

The theme for this issue is BLUE BEGINNINGS which is a suggested theme, not obligatory. We don’t want you to feel constricted by this, but if you need the extra inspiration, use this theme however you want and make your own interpretation of the words.

Anything is welcome, but we prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages.
Format: 20x26cm
Color: Yes
Language: English
Format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi grayscale/CMYK
Bleed: 5mm in all directions.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Please send us your FINISHED COMIC in high-resolution files from the start.
And also include a short presentation text about yourself, with URL (if you have a website).

Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions.

Send comics, questions, etc to:

Unfortunately we cannot offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can offer at this date. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material will stay in your hands and we do accept stories which have been published elsewhere before.

DEADLINE: October 31

Open for submisssions: C’est Bon Anthology vol 19: Interposed



a. To insert or introduce between parts.
b. To place (oneself) between others or things.

CALL ALL COMIC-CREATORS! Submissions are now open for the next issue of C’est Bon Anthology on the theme ‘INTERPOSED’!

What’s in between?

There’s always conflicts, both good and bad. But what happends in the space between? It’s either black or white, hard or soft, warm or cold, but what about grey? What about the middleground and what’s good enough?

For the next issue of C’est bon Anthology we invite comics, graphic stories, sequential art and storytelling (We don’t care what you want to call it, just do it.) based on the theme ‘Interposed’. We are dying to know what you think lives in between.

The deadline is in between now and September 15! You can use the submission-page on our website or send us an email to!

Spec talk:

Anything is welcome, but best suited are comics about 4–22 pages. The format is 200×260 mm (7.9×10.2 in), black/white, in English. Within this space, there are no limits. If you’re interested, please send digital files using the form below, or paper copies to the address given here. We accept low-res files for consideration and will ask you for high-res files if your submission is accepted. The work can have been published before.

Note this: We are mainly looking for comics, graphic stories and sequiential art that tries to do something new and experiments with the medium. We LOVE new ideas and creative thinking.

We are looking forward to see your amazing contributions!

/ C’est Bon Kultur