Call for submissions: CBA vol 51

Call for submissions: comics and text articles for
CBA vol 51: Underworld

The Underworld exists in many forms: an invisible realm of all deceased, a torturous prison for sinners, whatever alien societies rule a ‘hollow earth’, as well as the non- mythological but equally weird organisms that really do scurry around below us. Less literally, it could imply unseen aspects of any organisation, or the darkest moments in an individual’s journey.

We’re looking for comic contributions, and articles exploring the theme of Underworld.

Main Editor: Sajan Rai

Please read and follow these guidelines:

Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20x26cm
Color: Color / Black and white
Language: English
File format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi CMYK
Length (texts): A good size for a text is ca 7500 characters (including spaces), but it can also be longer or shorter.
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Delivery: We prefer download links that do NOT require us to login anywhere (wetransfer usually works fine, for example).
Request: Please don’t use Comic Sans. We don’t like it and will ask you to change to another font.
And again; Please check our guidelines for bleed.

Please send us high-resolution files from the start.
Include a short presentation text* about yourself, with one URL (if you have a website or similar).
Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!

*Your presentation text should be approximately 500-700 characters in length. It should read more as an entertaining and informative bio and less as a CV. What you want to say about yourself is up to you, but it’s generally more interesting for our readers to know about your interests, who you are and what else you’ve published rather than where you’ve studied. We may edit it if needed to fit our format.

Send comics, questions, etc to: submissions(a)cbkcomics(.)com


What we are looking for is comics which rely on artistic ambitions and a will to experiment rather than what has been done a thousand times before. We want to expand the boundaries of what is possible to achieve in the comics medium. We are looking for the same thing in texts; articles, essays, exploratory texts, etc.

Unfortunately we cannot offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can offer at this date. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material will stay in your hands.

Also note that we are constantly overworked and there’s a great risk that we won’t get in touch in case your submission doesn’t make it into the current volume. We are sorry for this and will try to catch up as soon as things clear up (optimistically in 2021)…

CBA vol 48 + 49 coming soon

As you may have noticed, there’s a pandemic going on and everything is working a bit less smoothly than usual. One of the casualties is our publishing schedule, but soon now, we will finally be releasing two new issues: CBA vol 48: Nedjem and CBA vol 49: Origin of Life

CBA vol 48: Nedjem
60 pgs

CBA vol 48 is about cats. Cats and the lifelong friendships we form with our furry friends. Bonds so strong and endearment so deep and ancient, it permeates our lives through time. You find cats in scary stories, in cute stories, they’re a sign of bad luck in some cultures and good luck in others, worshipped as deities or shunned like pests. Remnants of our relationships with the floofy furs are found not just all over the world, but all over the internet as well.
Here’s our contribution to the Cat Library of Time.

Comics by: Jonatan Rosén [SE], Henrik Rogowski [SE], Aiden Kvarnström [SE], Filip Kelava [HR], Alexandra Duma-Dancai [RO/SE], Ivana Filipović [RS/CA], Helena Menanda [SE], Ivana Armanini [HR]. Texts: Joel Gordon [SE], Mattias Elftorp [SE]. Illustration: Mattias Elftorp [SE]. Cover artists & main editor: Kinga Dukaj [SE] (theme & original selection: Mattis Telin [SE]).


CBA vol 49: Origin of Life
80 pgs

Where were you born? Where are you from? When these questions are asked really what the person means often is, who are you?

In the new volume of CBA we want you to ask yourselves some questions. Who are humanity as a collective consciousness? Where do we come from? All these little specks of life in this big dark space of nothing, and for what?

Comics by: Ana Biscaia [PT], Ivana Geček [HR], Mattias Elftorp [SE], Ivana Filipović [RS/CA], Henrik Rogowsk [SE], Leviathan [SE]. Text & illustration: Lisa Örtlund [SE]. Cover artists & main editor: Lisa Örtlund [SE].


Check back here soon for release dates etc.

Call for submissions: CBA vol 49

Call for submissions: comics and text articles for
CBA vol 49: Origin of life

Where were you born? Where are you from? When these questions are asked really what the person means often is, who are you?

In the new volume of CBA we want you to ask yourselves some questions. Who are humanity as a collective consciousness? Where do we come from? All these little specks of life in this big dark space of nothing, and for what?

The theme Origin of life means vast possibilities to explore in art and comics, from religious interpretations to philosophy to strict scientific research. Challenge our current beliefs, make something fun and interesting, or something entirely else. We’re looking forward to seeing your comics!

Main Editor: Lisa Örtlund

Please read and follow these guidelines:
Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20x26cm
Color: Color / Black and white
Language: English
File format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi CMYK
Length (texts): A good size for a text is ca 7500 characters (including spaces), but it can also be longer or shorter.
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Delivery: We prefer download links that do NOT require us to login anywhere (wetransfer usually works fine, for example).
Request: Please don’t use Comic Sans. We don’t like it and will ask you to change to another font.
And again; Please check our guidelines for bleed.

Please send us high-resolution files from the start.
Include a short presentation text about yourself, with one URL (if you have a website or similar).
Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!

Unfortunately we cannot offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can offer at this time. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material stays with you.

What we are looking for is comics which rely on artistic ambitions and a will to experiment rather than what has been done a thousand times before. We want to expand the boundaries of what is possible to achieve in the comics medium. We are looking for the same thing in texts; articles, essays, exploratory texts, etc. Use your imagination, and have fun! : – )

Send your comics to: submissions [at] cbkcomics [dot] com

Facebook event

Release exhibition for CBA vol 47: Science/Fiction

Release exhibition for: CBA vol 47: Science/Fiction
Place: Hybriden (Mitt Möllan, Bangatan 5, Malmö)
Opening: January 24, 17-22
Lasts until: February 19 (probably)
Opening hours: Tue-Fri: 11-16, Sat: 12-16

Welcome to the release event and exhibition for the latest issue of the international comics anthology!

Join us for an evening of comics and drunk in celebration of the Future and the ongoing fictionalization of our reality. Check out comic samples on the walls, featuring these great artists:
Danijel Žeželj [HR/US], Radovan Popović [RS], Korin(a) Hunjak [HR], Ivana Filipović [RS/CA], Avi Heikkinen [FI], Francisco Sousa Lobo [PT], Oskar Aspman [SE], Kinga Dukaj [SE], Mattias Elftorp [SE].

About CBA vol 47:

Science and fiction rule our lives. The laws of physics seem set in stone while the laws of man are arbitrary mirrors of the morality of the times. Gods and spirits are creations of the mind but also the explanation when comprehension fails. What lies beyond our understanding? Is it more science or something else? What dark forces lurk outside our field of vision? What machineries of death and destruction are we yet to invent in the name of money (which used to be metal and paper but is now to a great extent nothing but speculation and expectations)? What (or who) else meet in the intersection between science fiction and real science? What came first? The egg or the hatching machine?

If you can’t make it to Hybriden, you can order the book at the Hybriden webshop.

Main editor of this issue: Mattias Elftorp
The exhibition is organized with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd, the anthology with support from Kulturrådet. Exhibition printed at Fanzineverkstaden.

Feel free to invite people to the Facebook event.

Photos from the exhibition:

Call for submissions: CBA vol 48 – Nedjem (comics and articles)

CBA vol 48 – Nedjem

In old times farmers left pans of milk out for Bygul and Trjegul, the two cats who pulled the goddess Freya’s chariot, to protect the crops in their fields. The cat Baiyun from russian folklore would lull you to sleep with his stories and once you were asleep, devour you, soul and all. The goddess Bastet took on the form of a lion as well as a cat and was the protector of the sun god Ra. The monstrous Cath Palug is said to haunt the Isle of Anglesey and once killed 180 soldiers that came ashore the island.

Cats have through all times been both feared and loved, despised and worshiped. Bad omens or signs of luck, depending on time and place they can be either a curse or a blessing. There’s a duality to these myths and superstitions, much like there is to human nature. Now we want you to send us your best comics about cats and the duality they represent!

Main Editor: Mattis Telin
Deadline: January 28

Please read and follow these guidelines:
Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20x26cm
Color: Color / Black and white
Language: English
File format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi CMYK
Length (texts): A good size for a text is ca 7500 characters (including spaces), but it can also be longer or shorter.
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Delivery: We prefer download links that do NOT require us to login anywhere (wetransfer usually works fine, for example).
Request: Please don’t use Comic Sans. We don’t like it and will ask you to change to another font.
And again; Please check our guidelines for bleed.

Please send us high-resolution files from the start.
Include a short presentation text about yourself, with one URL (if you have a website or similar).
Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!

Unfortunately we cannot offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can offer at this time. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material stays with you.

What we are looking for is comics which rely on artistic ambitions and a will to experiment rather than what has been done a thousand times before. We want to expand the boundaries of what is possible to achieve in the comics medium. We are looking for the same thing in texts; articles, essays, exploratory texts, etc. Use your imagination, and have fun! : – )

Send your comics to: submissions [at] cbkcomics [dot] com

Facebook event

Release event for CBA vol 46: Deep

Release exhibition for: CBA vol 46: Deep
Place: Hybriden (Mitt Möllan, Bangatan 5, Malmö)
Opening: October 18, 18-22
Lasts until: January 15
Opening hours from August: Wed-Fridays: 11-15, Sundays: 12-15

Welcome to the release party for our brand new volume of CBA: Deep!

We want to invite you to a fun evening with us, lots of cool art and comics! As usual we will serve snacks, wine and some non-alcoholic options as well.
Also, don’t forget to get your hands on the brand new volume for a reduced price! VERY SEXY!

There MIGHT be some treasure to be found in a fishing pond as well… Can you really afford to miss that oppurtunity?

Come party with us and find out!

About CBA vol 46: Deep:

What do we find in the depths? What lies in the depths in the oceans? What hides in the deep darkness of the corner of your room when you’re about to fall asleep? What thoughts trickle through your mind when looking deeply inwards, what do we find when we look where we can’t see?

comics by:
Julia Nascimento [BR]
Lisa Örtlund [SE]
Sofia Ciente [PT]
Mikko Jylhä [FI]
Ivana Filipović [RS/CA]
Mattias Elftorp [SE]
Sajan Rai [UK/SE]
Francisco Sousa Lobo [PT]
Maria Stoian [RO]
Texts by:
Lisa Örtlund [SE]
Mattis Telin [SE]
Illustrations, cover & main editor:
Lisa Örtlund [SE]

Available at the Hybriden webshop.

Call for submissions: CBA vol 47 – Science/Fiction (comics and articles)

CBA vol 47 – Science/Fiction

Science and fiction rule our lives. The laws of physics seem set in stone while the laws of man are arbitrary mirrors of the morality of the times. Gods and spirits are creations of the mind but also the explanation when comprehension fails. What lies beyond our understanding? Is it more science or something else? What dark forces lurk outside our field of vision? What machineries of death and destruction are we yet to invent in the name of money (which used to be metal and paper but is now to a great extent nothing but speculation and expectations)? What (or who) else meet in the intersection between science fiction and real science? What came first? The egg or the hatching machine?

In CBA vol 47 – Science/Fiction, we explore the borderlands between science and fiction, in comics and text articles.

Main Editor: Mattias Elftorp
New deadline: November 20
Please read and follow these guidelines:
Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20x26cm
Color: Color / Black and white
Language: English
File format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi CMYK
Length (texts): A good size for a text is ca 7500 characters (including spaces), but it can also be longer or shorter.
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Delivery: We prefer download links that do NOT require us to login anywhere (wetransfer usually works fine, for example).
Request: Please don’t use Comic Sans. We don’t like it and will ask you to change to another font.
And again; Please check our guidelines for bleed.

Please send us high-resolution files from the start.
Include a short presentation text about yourself, with one URL (if you have a website or similar).
Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!

Unfortunately we cannot offer you any payment for participating. If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can offer at this time. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material stays with you.

What we are looking for is comics which rely on artistic ambitions and a will to experiment rather than what has been done a thousand times before. We want to expand the boundaries of what is possible to achieve in the comics medium. We are looking for the same thing in texts; articles, essays, exploratory texts, etc. Use your imagination, and have fun! : – )

Send your comics to: submissions [at] cbkcomics [dot] com

Facebook event

Qtopia release exhibition (CBA vol 45)

Release exhibition for: CBA vol 45: QTOPIA
Place: Hybriden (Mitt Möllan, Bangatan 5, Malmö)
Opening: July 19, 17-22
Lasts until: September (probably)
Opening hours from August: Wed-Fridays: 11-15, Sundays: 12-15

Release exhibition for the new volume of CBA, featuring visions of a world where stories about HBTQ+ characters don’t need to end in tragedy.

So many LGBTQ narratives end in tragedy as a consequence of the LGBTQ-hood of the characters. Those stories are important because LGBTQ people are still being targeted by prejudice, discrimination and violence, but in this volume of CBA we encouraged artists to do something different. To tell queer stories where the queerness isn’t a narrative catalyst for bad things, but rathera source for joy or love or just one characteristic among others.

Queer tales about situations involving LGBTQ characters. Utopian queer tales in the sense that everything might not be perfect, but at least the horrible things that happen don’t have anything to do with the characters’ sexual orientation.

The exhibition will feature selected pieces from the anthology, but also additional artworks by local artists such as Olivia Skoglund, newly examinated from the comic school in Malmö and working on her first book on experiences as a trans girl, Adrian Malmgren, trans/hbtq-activist and creator of the comic Wicked Hero, and Emmie Jansson, currently a student at textile arts&design at Östra Grevie. There will also be artworks by Ylva Oknelid, Mattis Telin and Lisa Örtlund on display!

CBA vol 45 features
Comics by:
Casco [SE]
Lisa Örtlund [SE]
Ylva Oknelid [SE]
Ivana Geček [HR]
Korin(a) Hunjak [HR]
Aiden Kvarnström [SE]
Saskia Gullstrand [SE]
Henrik Rogowski [SE]
Adrian Malmgren [SE] (text)
Love Pascal Prelog [SE] (illustrations)
Cover by:
Kinga Dukaj [SE]
Luddvig Melin [SE]
Lisa Örtlund [SE]
Mattias Elftorp [SE]
Henrik Rogowski [SE]

Soon to be available at our webshop:

Facebook event

The exhibition is presented with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd. CBA is published with support from Kulturrådet (the Swedish Arts Council).

Lore release event in Cairo

Koshk Comics (Egypt) are arranging a release event for CBA vol 44: LORE, with an exhibition on the Folklore theme, July 12, starting at 7 pm at Haward gallery in Cairo.

Koshk Comics collaborated with us on this volume by extending our call for submissions especially through their network of creators in North Africa and the Middle East, to create a journey through the world Folklore by bringing together comic artists from different countries to produce graphic stories which was published in vol 44 of CBA.

In this version of the release exhibition they will also add some extra comics that weren’t in the actual book, such as Tunisian comic artist Seif Eddine Nechi, the founder of Soubia, who will also be present at the event. Seif has won the Cairo Comix prize for the best graphic story in 2017 for his story (bombyx) which also won the Mahmoud Kahil prize in 2017.
The second guest at this event is Kalk كلك, the experimental comics quest where they are seeking different types of narratives. Kalk has participated in many exhibitions in Sweden where they have also published two comic stories.

So if you are nearby you should drop in and have a look at this extended version.

As children, we’ve been told hundreds of frightening stories by our mothers, grandmothers, or even our older siblings.
These stories have been passed through generations to deliver some kind of wisdom or to prevent children from committing stupid things. These stories are like the oral history of our culture.

However, when we grew up and met people from different cultures around the world, we discovered that these stories exist in almost every civilization but forms in different shapes, and may be this is what unites us as human beings, the same fear of darkness, strangers, the unknown fate, or our hidden desires.

It’s always the same story, the story of our feelings as vulnerable creatures trying to control the world by creating monsters and heroes to fight them.

The exhibition will take you on a very unique journey across space and time, where you can discover the common narratives between the human beings, and also how those global modern comic artists look through our heritage.

The exhibition will be available for the audience from 12th until 20th of July.
Koshk (and CBK, if only in spirit) are awaiting all of you on the 12th of July to join our great adventure.

Check the Facebook event for any more news about this event.