PRE-RELEASE: Piracy is Liberation 012 & Vårdfällan

PRE-RELEASE of 2 new books from Tusen Serier and CBK/Wormgod! These books are only available at Hybriden until Jan 1, 2023. After that they will be taken down from the site until the official release in early 2023 (Jan/Feb)!!!
So take this chance to be among the first to get Vårdfällan (Raquel Lozano) and Piracy is Liberation 012: Outer Enemy (Mattias Elftorp)!

Piracy is Liberation 012: Outer Enemy by Mattias Elftorp

Terror strikes the City, and Pirate seems to be the terrorist! Or is this finally the start of the revolution? As the City is gearing up for war, two girls walk its streets looking for action and trying to figure out what actually happened. How will our anarchist heroes deal with this situation as the equivalent to nationalist tendencies grip the population? What happens in a City where war has been an unknown concept, as its billboards are filling up with WANTED posters and military propaganda and the army recruitment centers are opening up for business? Who is the enemy?

10 year in the making, this 12th book in the Piracy is Liberation series finally takes us back to the City for 212 pages of a brand new story about a society on the brink of war.

Language: English
Page count: 212
Book type: graphic novel, softcover
Price: 150:- sek
ORDER (email us about review copies!)

Vårdfällan by Raquel Lozano

Alejandra vill egentligen wallraffa, men efter en tids uppehåll är hon nu tillbaka som vårdbiträde inom hemtjänsten. För att klara av sin vardag med duschar, blöjbyten och läggningar varvar hon jobbet med en ny hobby, även om den kanske inte är helt laglig.

Vårdfällan is Raquel Lozano’s debut novel. With Malmö as backdrop, she depicts the life of a young worker, and her struggle to survive an increasingly cold work climate.

Language: Swedish
Page count: 176
Book type: novel, pocket/softcover
Price: 100:- sek
ORDER (email us about review copies!)

Also new in the webshop:

CBA vol 58: Modern Glossolalia or the Erosion of Meaning and CBA vol 59: Aloneliness, the latest issues of our international comics anthology! And from Tusen Serier:

Mapuche by Jorge Varas Varilla is now available in a new, quadrilingual edition (Mapudungun/Spanish, with subtitles in English/Swedish).

Five Stories About Undocumented Women by Amalia Alvarez has been hard to find for a while, but is now here in a 3rd edition, with new paper stock and still in 3 languages (Spanish/Swedish/English).


Pre-order CBA vol 50 for Black Friday

We’re doing a 50% sale on books from CBK, Tusen Serier and Wormgod at Hybriden this weekend (Nov 27-29).

Use the coupon code blackfriday2020 when you place your order.

CBA vol 50 will be released in January, but you can pre-order it now, and it is included in the sale.

No theme, no limits, only members of the current and former editorial crew of CBA celebrating this anniversary issue by doing whichever comics they want!

Illustrated haiku poems! Vampires! Cyberpunk! Abstract patterns and ruminations on death! Working with the elderly and trying to find your husband in the realm of the dead! There’s also a seal.

Comics by: Sajan Rai [SE/UK], Gonzalo de las Heras [SE/ES], Allan Haverholm [DK/SE], Mattias Elftorp [SE], Susanne Johansson [SE], Leviathan [SE], Stefan Petrini [SE], Henrik Rogowski [SE]. Text: Mattias Elftorp [SE]. Illustration: Mattias Elftorp [SE], Gonzalo de las Heras [ES/SE]. Cover artist: Kinga Dukaj [SE].

WINTER SALE at the Hybriden webshop!

Nov 29 – Jan 1, we’ll have a huge sale at the Hybriden webshop. Titles from CBK, Tusen Serier and Wormgod will be sold extra cheap. Many titles at 50% off the regular price and several of the CBK books even more!

While you are there, you should also check out the zine section (Fosfor), and we’re just in the process of adding new prints to the shop, digital prints as well as linocut and silk screen!

And you can pre-order the upcoming CBA vol 47: Science/Fiction (to be released in Jan/Feb), also at a reduced price!
And we’ve finally added a bunch of our old back-issues (C’est Bon #1-11, CBA (pre-vol) #2-5, or at least what’s still available).

To the webshop.

Fosfor (zine distro)!

Many self-publishing comics creators still have very few opportunities to reach a market outside comics festivals. With Fosfor, we give these creators a platform to reach out to more readers. We want to be able to spread zine creators’ works and open up one of comics’ greatest cultures to more people!

Fosfor was started once upon a time by former CBK crew members Steve Nyberg and Christoffer Frostgård as Sweden’s first distro for comics zines. It was taken over by CBK and was reborn in June 2019 as part of Fanzineverkstaden and Hybriden in Malmö.

You’ll find it along with publications from CBK, Tusen Serier, Wormgod etc at the Hybriden webshop.

Want to sell your zines, prints or stickers via Fosfor? Go to the site for instructions…

Fanzineverkstaden exhibition & Fosfor distro

Fanzineverkstaden has been open for almost a year now, and we thought it was time to showcase some of the material that’s been produced so far.

On Wednesday June 5, 17-22, we open a permanent exhibition at Hybriden, where you can see screen prints, zines and more by some of the members at Fanzineverkstaden.

This will also be the official opening event for Fosfor, our zine distro that now exists at the Hybriden website and will now also be available in the physical shop/exhibition space. Come and have a look at around 150 different titles!

It’s also a chance to see the current Lore exhibition by CBK, which will stay up for a while longer.

There will be snacks and wine.
See you there!

Fanzineverkstaden is run by Tusen Serier in close cooperation with CBK, with support by Arvsfonden.

Fridhem 2018 exhibition @ Hybriden

We’re taking a small break from the Best of CBK exhibition for a guest appearance:

Fridhem Folkhögskola invites you to come see their final exhibitions at Mitt Möllan for various of their courses (Grafisk Design, Måleri, Serieteckning och Foto). The comics course is at Hybriden.

Opening: May 25 at 17-21
also open:
Saturday, May 26: 09-20
Sunday, May 27: 12-16


The Best of CBK exhibition will return next weekend with part 2 in a slightly different form. Stick around for more info coming soon.

Christmas Sale!

We’re having a Christmas sale in the shop until Dec 31st.

Use coupon code: xmas2017 and get 20% off on all books in the shop!

Happy Holidays!


Malmö Gallery Night 2017 @ HYBRIDEN (Mitt Möllan)

© Mitt Möllan

© Mitt Möllan

© Mitt Möllan

© Mitt Möllan

Malmö Gallerinatt is an annual event held last Saturday in September every year, when many of Malmö’s galleries and art institutions have a common evening opening between 18-24.

This year all of Mitt Möllan was turned into an eye-candy spectacle!
All of Mitt Möllan had about 4000-5000 visitors, and we counted over 1200 people at Hybriden.

It’s great to have people find CBK, HYBRIDEN and TUSEN SERIER so that we get a chance to show off all our great comic books, artworks, artists and meet new people!

Tropicana Dreams 2017

© Tropicana Dreams

© Tropicana Dreams

© Tropicana Dreams

© Tropicana Dreams

© Gonzalo

Simultaneously a new comic-festival emerged from sunny Mallorca with the fitting name “Tropicana Dreams.” Of course some of us participated!
Crew from both CBK and TUSEN SERIER flew to Mallorca to enjoy the sun and the newness. Meeting new people and stocking up on prints to sell @ HYBRIDEN.

We’re all looking forward to next years edition of both happenings!

Don’t miss TUSEN SERIERS release party and exhibition opening of “En andra chans” (A Second Chance) at Hybriden, Oct 20, 17-22.