Call for submissions – CBA vol 69: SEX

Call for submissions for:
CBA vol 69: SEX
Main editor: Mattias Elftorp & Kinga Dukaj
Deadline: June 30

Yeah, we’re doing it! And by ”it”, we mean, well haha. Sex. We’re doing a sex theme for our 69th volume. No shame. So give us your sex comics: queer, straight, emotional, horny, funny, serious. Stories about sex, stories of sex, stories with sex. The best sex scenes move the story forward, say something about the persons involved, but there’s also something to be said for just simple fucking joyfulness.
We’re also interested in text material on the subject.
And of course: no sexist shit.


Please read and follow these guidelines:
Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20 x 26 cm
Color: Color / Black and white
Language: English
File format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi CMYK (profile: PSO coated V3, or you can send it in RGB and we’ll convert it)
Length (texts): A good size for a text is ca 7500 characters (including spaces), but it can also be longer or shorter.
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Delivery: We prefer download links that do NOT require us to login anywhere (wetransfer usually works fine, for example).
Request: Please don’t use Comic Sans. We don’t like it and will ask you to change to another font.
And again; Please check our guidelines for bleed.
Please send us high-resolution files from the start. This saves time and we usually don’t have a lot of that.
Include a short bio*, with one URL (if you have a website or similar).

Please ask us if you’re unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!
Normally, we also organize a release exhibition showcasing sample pages from the new issue. Please let us know if you’re NOT ok with us using your works for that purpose.

Policy on generative AI: We do not accept submissions that are created using generative AI.

*Your bio should be approximately 500-700 characters in length and written in 3rd person. It should read more as an entertaining and informative bio and less as a CV. What you want to say about yourself is up to you, but it’s generally more interesting for our readers to know about your interests, who you are and what else you’ve published that they might find, rather than where you’ve studied. We may edit it if needed to fit our format.

Send comics, questions, etc to: submissions(a)cbkcomics(.)com

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee you any payment for participating (although these last few years we’ve had more financing so we have been able to pay at least something, i.e. when all the expenses have been paid we will share the surplus of the financial support we receive for CBA amongst the participants). If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can promise at this date. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material will stay in your hands.

Also note that we are constantly overworked and there’s a great risk that we won’t get in touch in case your submission doesn’t make it into the current volume (we WILL, however, let you know if we do publish your submission, and if you don’t get into this one we might keep your comic for a future issue). We are sorry for this and will try to catch up as soon as things clear up (optimistically in 2029)…

Feel free to share this call for submissions and/or the Facebook event to any comics creator you think would be interested!


Samples from CBA vol 66|67 – out now!

The new issue just dropped!

CBA vol 66|67

144 pgs
ISBN: 978-91-87825-40-8

More stories, no theme. A mix of new and established artists from various countries telling stories unfettered by predetermined themes or concepts. Stories that try out ideas, vent frustrations, share thoughts and explore concepts. Narrative experiments, shifting perspectives and pure fantasies. Stories to think about and be moved by.

Comics by: Ebba Gustafsson Ågren [SE], Hroge Cancelhaus [UK], David Kerr [UK/FI], Layal Safieddine [LB/SE], Fabijan Černeka [HR] & Korin(a) Hunjak [HR], Daniel Wihlstrand [SE] & Johan Ahl Eliasson [SE], Rikard Stenius [SE], Stef Gaines [SE], Henna Räsänen [FI/DE], Josef Norén [SE], Mattias Elftorp [SE], Julia Magnusson [SE], Ivana Geček [HR], Lea Elste [DE]. Main editor, cover, texts & illustrations by: Mattias Elftorp [SE].

This is actually the final issue of 2024, released a bit late but worth the wait and filled with stories!

Check out these samples and let us know if you like what you see!


It’s available at Hybriden, Adlibris, Bokus, Press Stop Götgatan 31 (Göteborg), Tidskriftsbutiken Malmö, Alma Löv Museum etc. If your favorite store doesn’t have it, ask them to order a bunch of copies from us!

Call for submissions – CBA vol 68 & 2025

Call for submissions for:
CBA vol 68 & 2025 in general: NO THEME, just some more STORIES
Main editor: Mattias Elftorp
Deadline: March 20

NO THEME, just some more STORIES.

Give us your comics and texts for our upcoming issue and for 2025 in general. This may be the only call for submissions of the year, depending on how our plans develop.
EDIT: Our plans have developed and this will NOT be the only call for submissions of the year. More on that later…

Please read and follow these guidelines:
Number of pages: We prefer comics that are about 5-30 pages, but any number is welcome.
Format: 20 x 26 cm
Color: Color / Black and white
Language: English
File format: .TIF
Resolution: 1200 dpi line art or 300 dpi CMYK (profile: PSO coated V3, or you can send it in RGB and we’ll convert it)
Length (texts): A good size for a text is ca 7500 characters (including spaces), but it can also be longer or shorter.
Bleed: 5mm. Think you know how to handle bleed? Read this to make sure you know what we mean.
Within this space, there are no limits.

Delivery: We prefer download links that do NOT require us to login anywhere (wetransfer usually works fine, for example).
Request: Please don’t use Comic Sans. We don’t like it and will ask you to change to another font.
And again; Please check our guidelines for bleed.
Please send us high-resolution files from the start. This saves time and we usually don’t have a lot of that.
Include a short bio*, with one URL (if you have a website or similar).

Please ask us if you are unsure about formats, resolution, bleed, etc. We prefer stupid questions to bad files. And there are no stupid questions!
Normally, we also organize a release exhibition showcasing sample pages from the new issue. Please let us know if you’re NOT ok with us using your works for that purpose.

Policy on generative AI: We do not accept submissions that are created using generative AI.

*Your bio should be approximately 500-700 characters in length and written in 3rd person. It should read more as an entertaining and informative bio and less as a CV. What you want to say about yourself is up to you, but it’s generally more interesting for our readers to know about your interests, who you are and what else you’ve published that they might find, rather than where you’ve studied. We may edit it if needed to fit our format.

Send comics, questions, etc to: submissions(a)cbkcomics(.)com

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee you any payment for participating (although these last few years we’ve had more financing so we have been able to pay at least something, i.e. when all the expenses have been paid we will share the surplus of the financial support we receive for CBA amongst the participants). If we publish your submission you will receive 10 free copies of the issue. That’s all we can promise at this date. Hopefully you will find being in CBA an enjoyable experience. Naturally, copyright for your material will stay in your hands.

Also note that we are constantly overworked and there’s a great risk that we won’t get in touch in case your submission doesn’t make it into the current volume (we WILL, however, let you know if we do publish your submission, and if you don’t get into this one we might keep your comic for a future issue). We are sorry for this and will try to catch up as soon as things clear up (optimistically in 2029)…

Feel free to share this call for submissions and/or the Facebook event to any comics creator you think would be interested!


KOLAŻ | THE BOX – photos

In case you missed the KOLAŻ | THE BOX exhibition, here are the photos!

The covers. CBA vol 64 by Mattias Elftorp, CBA vol 65 by Kinga Dukaj

Mette Norrie, Aiden Kvarnström, Mårten Edman

Manuel Rodriguez Navarro, Susanne Johansson, Miguel Santos

Pavol Bratský

Damir Stojnić von Ktonsky

Josef Norén, Adam Boman, Mileta Mijatović

Helena Menanda, Eileen Laurie

Tom Mortimer, Susanne Johansson

Miku Maria Gustavsson, Mattias Elftorp, Markus Samnell

Sara Alma Safije Sheikhi, Julia Nascimento, Mattias Elftorp

And here, of course, are the books: CBA vol 64: THE BOX & CBA vol 65: KOLAŻ

It’s all high quality stuff!









KOLAŻ | THE BOX exhibition @ Malmö Stadsbibliotek

CBK presents:
Double release exhibition for CBA vols 64 & 65!

Where: Malmö City Library
When: The exhibition opening happens on Tuesday Nov 12 between 17–20 (to the left after the main entrance, up one floor then straight ahead)
We will be there giving out cookies and you’ll be able to buy both books on site.
It will stay up until Dec 6.

Who is CBK?
We’re comic artists running a non-profit publishing organization! Since 2001, CBK has worked for a more varied and exciting comics culture in Sweden and on the international scene. The main vehicle for this purpose is the international comics art magazine, CBA. We also arrange exhibitions of comics art, festivals and other cultural events.
Our vision is to push the boundaries of what can be done in comics, to broaden the perspective of what the comics medium is and can be, both in relation to itself and to other art forms.

About the exibition

In the exhibition you can see samples from the two latest issues, inspired by the following theme descriptions:

Step into the world of KOLAŻ, where images are discovered, altered, and transformed — merged with sketches, digital twists, and layered reconfigurations. It’s a creative process of cutting, rearranging, and reimagining, where fragments are pulled apart and pieced back together. Story themselves are patchworks of moments stitched into something new, where unexpected contrasts may emerge and magic happens when each reader brings their own meanings, their own interpretations, their own fragments to the pasteboard.

What’s in THE BOX? Who wants to know? How big is it? Where is it? Is it on its way somewhere? Why does it matter? Why can’t you know what’s in it? Or do you know?

This issue is a box filled with stories. But what is THE BOX if you think outside the box?

The books can be ordered/pre-ordered from Hybriden:
CBA vol 64OUT NOW!

CBA vol 65 coming soon (available to order now)…

Subscribe to CBA (4 issues)







CBA vol 65 won’t be officially available until Nov 25, but we will have a few copies as a sneaky pre-release at the exhibition.

Facebook event

The exhibition is made with support from Malmö Kulturnämnd.

Coming soon: CBA vol 65


CBA vol 65: KOLAŻ

Step into the world of KOLAŻ, where images are discovered, altered, and transformed — merged with sketches, digital twists, and layered reconfigurations. It’s a creative process of cutting, rearranging, and reimagining, where fragments are pulled apart and pieced back together. Story themselves are patchworks of moments stitched into something new, where unexpected contrasts may emerge and magic happens when each reader brings their own meanings, their own interpretations, their own fragments to the pasteboard.

15 artists cut and paste to create a surprisingly ominous collection of comics for this issue of innovative comics.

Comics by:
Pavol Bratský
Mattias Elftorp
Tom Mortimer
Damir Stojnić von Ktonsky
Susanne Johansson
Markus Samnell
Julia Nascimento
Adam Boman
Mette Norrie
Helena Menanda
Aiden Kvarnström
Mileta Mijatović
Mårten Edman
Miku Maria Gustavsson
Main editor & cover by:
Kinga Dukaj

104 pages!

Release date: November 25, but you can order it from Hybriden now and it will be available already at Seriefest i Väst and at the release exhibition!

Start a subscription today and this can be your first issue!



CBA vol 64: THE BOX

What’s in THE BOX? Who wants to know? How big is it? Where is it? Is it on its way somewhere? Why does it matter? Why can’t you know what’s in it? Or do you know?
This issue is a box filled with stories. But what is THE BOX if you think outside the box?

In this issue: three longer short stories: a space operette about a space ship driven by a Schrödingerian probability box, a documentary about a prison riot and its aftermath in early 1970s Argentina and a strange case of the Dispensator, a wandering nocturnal psychologist. On top of that, some shorter stories of ruminations and a text piece on the myth of Pandora’s box.

Comics by:
Mattias Elftorp
Miguel Santos
Susanne Johansson
Sara Alma Safije Sheikhi
Manuel Rodriguez Navarro
Josef Norén
Text & illustrations by:
Eileen Laurie
Main editor & cover by:
Mattias Elftorp

100 pages of international comics!

Release date: October 15 but you can order it from Hybriden now

Start a subscription today and this can be your first issue!