Crowdfunding for CBA vol 36
We need your help!
CBA has been around for a long time, publishing lots of great stories that move far outside of the commercial mainstream of comics.
For our upcoming volume, you can be a part of making it possible! We want to make this issue as awesome as humanly possible and that is why we need your funding (and also because we just lost the funding we’ve been relying on for many years).
Go to our campaign page at Indiegogo to help us out!
We’re looking for donations to cover the costs of printing and distribution (and if we get some extra we might even be able to pay the rent) for the upoming CBA vol 36: In the pits of madness, featuring comics by Spyros Verykios, Akab, Elena Guidolin and Serena Schinaia, with a cover by Radovan Popović, edited by Mattias Elftorp.
Check out this promotional video, by Víctor Expolio, with music by Feberdröm and art from the book:
Horror meets madness and the inevitable collapse in this new volume of CBA, beautifully drawn and painted in heavy brush strokes and oil paint and sharp lines and halftones.
Some of the perks for donations (go to the campaign page for all the details):