Opening hours + photos from the opening
Last Friday we opened our new space, Hybriden, with exhibition, workshop and party (see previous blog post). We had a great time!
The exhibition will be up until the end of this month, possibly longer, and the opening hours are:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 16–20
So come on in and have a look at the combined release exhibition for CBAvol30 (with guest appearances from Tusen Serier) and samples from upcoming Tusen Serier books, look through our comics library and buy our books in the shop section!
We got some media coverage for the opening:
Skånska Dagbladet: Serier med utblick
Sydsvenskan/Dygnet Runt: Nytt galleri och butik för serier öppnar i Malmö
And here are some photos:

Photo by James Svärd.

Photo by James Svärd.
And here are a couple of photos from before the opening, while we were still building up everything, for contrast: