
The weekend is coming towards us like some kind of train. We will have a table at SIS16 (May 7-8 at Kulturhuset in Stockholm). As usual, we’ll be with Tusen Serier & Wormgod + Anna Ehrlemark (one of the artists of the brand new CBA vol 32).


You will find us in the same place as last year (F8-F10). We also take part in the programming, with a talk about Hybriden & AltCom on Saturday at 13.
See the entire program here

We will of course bring our latest issue and an assortment of back issues that we will sell with some generous special offers (look us up to find out more)!

And speaking of festival, now there’s a Facebook event (and poster) for AltCom!


Release: CBA vol 32

Friday, April 29, 18-22 @ Hybriden (Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, Malmö):
Release party & exhibition for the all-new CBA vol 32: BLUE BEGINNINGS!

Blue isn’t just a color. Mostly you’d associate it with depression, moodiness, full moons and break-ups. But, have you ever spent a cloudy afternoon on an old jetty by the sea, staring into the depths? Watching the intricate patterns fold and unfold into new and recurring shapes… Remember the feeling of liquid calm spreading through your scattered brain? Hypnotizing and invigorating. Like pouring fresh, wet, blue paint on a white canvas.

New beginnings can be blue.

Facebook event

After the opening, the exhibition will stay up until May 18. Opening hours: Mon/Wed: 16-20, Sat: 12-16

Artists in this issue:

Artists in this issue (+shown in the exhibition):
Hanna Alfredsson
Anna Krztoń
Alexander Robyn
Nicolas Krizan
Mauro Trotta
Anna Ehrlemark
Ylva Oknelid
Marie Tillman
Cover by Inés Estrada

Get your 1 year (4 volumes) subscription here.

Opening hours + photos from the opening

Last Friday we opened our new space, Hybriden, with exhibition, workshop and party (see previous blog post). We had a great time!

The exhibition will be up until the end of this month, possibly longer, and the opening hours are:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 16–20

So come on in and have a look at the combined release exhibition for CBAvol30 (with guest appearances from Tusen Serier) and samples from upcoming Tusen Serier books, look through our comics library and buy our books in the shop section!

We got some media coverage for the opening:
Skånska Dagbladet: Serier med utblick
Sydsvenskan/Dygnet Runt: Nytt galleri och butik för serier öppnar i Malmö

And here are some photos:

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Photo by James Svärd.

Photo by James Svärd.

Kinga Dukaj. Foto av James Svärd.
Kinga Dukaj.
Photo by James Svärd.
Amanda Casanellas. Foto av James Svärd.
Amanda Casanellas.
Photo by James Svärd.

And here are a couple of photos from before the opening, while we were still building up everything, for contrast:


Hybriden opens

We’re finally ready to open Hybriden, the new space we’ve been building since the beginning of the year!

Hybriden is Malmö’s new comics hang-out! A space for exhibitions and workshops, an artists’ studio and comic shop/library, open for anyone (if not necessarily at all times). Here, you will be able to see exhibitions of comics you’ve never heard of, by recognized and unknown comic creators. Join workshops to learn how to draw comics or experiment with new forms of storytelling. In our shop you will find books from CBK, Tusen SerierWormgod and exquisitely selected international comics found at various festivals in different countries. We also have a comics library section where you with zines, anthologies and graphic novels where you can sit and read in our sofas.

WHAT: Opening/exhibition/release/workshop
WHERE: Hybriden @ Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, Malmö
WHEN: Friday, March 11, 16-22


The comics in the international comics anthology CBA have been called “supposedly poetical”. They have also been called “witty, challenging and eye-opening”. Judge for yourself when the all-new editorial crew show their own comics and artworks.
Same goes for Tusen Serier, where the inner circle shows their own works along with samples from the upcoming titles.
Artists: Amanda Casanellas, Christina Cromnow, Henrik Rogowski, Kinga Dukaj, Luddvig Melin, Mattias Elftorp, Oskar Aspman, Stefan Petrini, Steve Nyberg, Susanne Johansson, Shko Askari, Amalia Alvarez, Tanja Komadina, Jorge Varas Varilla, and Yossra El Said.

RELEASE: CBA vol 30: A NEW HOPE cbavol30cover
The members of the new crew have made the comics in CBA vol 30: A NEW HOPE, to signal a kind of new beginning for the series, and because we wanted to find out what we’re actually doing. Anything from angst-ridden animals to a psychosomatic virus to a postapocalyptic Malmö and fragments of lego. You have to see for yourself what all this means in the new issue…

Between 16-19 you can join a jam comic workshop where we collectively create a story on the theme of WHATEVER. No pressure, we’re just drawing togehter because it’s fun! No experience required, just bring a bit of imagination!

And of course, all our books will be available, as well as a few extra titles, in the bookstore section.

We’re going until 22 or when we fall asleep/run out of wine!

+ You will also find us at the SciFi-mässan (Malmö) this weekend, March 5-6, where CBK & Tusen Serier share a table with Wormgod and the comics course of Malmö Högskola!

+ Also do not miss the ongoing (until Monday, March 7) special offer at our new webshop!



Releaseparty: When the last story is told


“When the last story is told, its absence rings with colour: Shapes & structure linger”–
Like the clap of thunder when the air rushes to fill the vacuum from a supersonic plane, Haverholm poses the question: When the last story is told, what fills the space it leaves?

Explore that space together with us at our releaseparty for this enigmatic new work by Allan Haverholm!

Friday, May 22, 17-21 @ Tusen Serier.
Claesgatan 8, Malmö.

Facebook event.

wtlstcvr_800When the last story is told
In the latest book by visual artist Allan Haverholm, narrative gives way to another order of meaning. Although the pages are divided into comic book grids there is nothing to constitute a traditional story, or even pictures in a sense that one would expect. The only text in the book, quoted above, frames the 60 pages of minimalist colour compositions alternatingly obscured with bold strokes of white paint and abstract, black textures.

The book questions one of the basic elements of our culture: storytelling and its underlying structures. Its very title suggests a potential end of narrative, but also that something else may fill the gap, a still-fluid substance or undefined fictional construct forming after this universal aphasia. Like a message from an alien mind, When the last story is told is loaded with meaning encoded in an undecipherable language.

Allan Haverholm (b.1976)
Since his 2006 book debut (the 300 pages Sortmund, hailed as Denmark’s first graphic novel), Allan Haverholm has stubbornly explored the comics medium for new approaches to the art form, changing effortlessly between a wide range of expressions to fit each new project. Persistent themes in his work include language and music, and their application in comics form.
When the last story is told is Haverholm’s eighth book as a single author; he has illustrated some fifty books, published several collaborations with likeminded artists, and appeared in more anthologies than he cares to think of or even count. His art has been exhibited internationally.



After SIS 2015



© Makan E-Rahmati

The Stockholm International Comics festival 2015 is over and done, already. Bittersweet because this was the best SIS festival in a long time. High on festival-endorphines we’re back and gearing up for Allan Haverholm’s exhibition and releaseparty for When the last story is told on May 22.

We also proudly and gladly announce that a part of C’est Bon Kultur, Steve Nyberg, won The Swedish Comics Association’s fanzine award this year with his fanzine “Maja-Stina”!

Congratulations Steve!



C’est Bon Kultur will attend this years International Comics Festival in Stockholm, May 9th–10th.
The Stockholm International Comics Festival [SIS] will take place for the seventeenth time in May 2015 (plus pre-events earlier in the week) organized by Serieteket and friends.

Meet us this weekend! Our table is located in Hörsalsfoajén, table F8. Adjacent to Tusen Serier, Wormgod and Ritualen.

We’ll have a great stash of CBA vol 28, Allan Haverholm’s hot-off-the-press When the last story is told. And everything else that we’ve made so far. Our book fair prices are super cheap, so don’t miss out!


C’est Bon Kultur presents:
Release party for C’est Bon Anthology vol 28 & exhibition: “Space”.

When? Thursday, April 23 2015
Where? Tusen Serier at Mitt Möllan, Claesgatan 8, Malmö
Who? Frøydis Sollid Simonsen, Karoline Stjernfelt, Mari Ahokoivu
+ artists from CBA vol 28

Frøydis Sollid Simonsen, Karoline Stjernfelt and Mari Ahokoivu have made the exhibition Space which has been shown in Norway can soon be seen in Finland. Now it comes to Malmö in conjunction with the release of the new issue of C’est Bon Anthology, which has the theme Signs and science and contains some of the comics from the exhibition. To celebrate this coincidence, we have added some of the other comics to this edition of the exhibition and turned the whole thing into a combined release party and exhibition.

Signs of science? The science of signs? Or neither, or both. How about the sleep depriving thought of eternity when you turn off the lights at night. Of the ever reaching deepness of space, black holes and the creation of photons in the core of the sun. How about when you get lost in thought, staring at your thumb, thinking about how the cells in your skin work and work and work, divide and fall off. The molecules they are made of. The vanishing weight of the atoms.


CBA vol 28 is also the last anthology issue from the former editorial crew. Since every other issue is a special graphic novel issue, vol 30 (September) will be the first issue from the (almost) completely new crew. In other words, this is the end of an era and at the same time the seed for what is to come, since it’s already the new crew organizing this event.

Comics creators in CBA vol 28:
Steve Nyberg [SE]
Jamil Mani [SE]
Maciej Kalymon [SE]
John Daily [SE]
Marine Schneider [BE]
Carolina Hicks [US/SE]
Mattias Elftorp [SE]
Mari Ahokoivu [FI]
Allan Haverholm [DK]
Ylva Oknelid [SE]
Christoffer Frostgård [SE]
Karoline Stjernfelt [SE]
Milena Simeonova [BG]
Cover: Christina Cromnow [SE]
Illustrations: Emei Burell [SE]


2009 June: Forte Prenestino, Rome.
Mini-exhibition at the Crack! festival in Rome. We only brought books this year, and didn’t realise that the festival is more about exhibiting comics-related art than just selling books, so we improvised a bit and tore up a copy of our latest issue to plaster the walls around our selling area. Our representatives at the site, Johan Jergner-Ekervik and Mattias Elftorp decided on site that it does count as an exhibition.
All artists from C’est Bon Anthology vol. 7

Anke Feuchtenberger

2009 February: Stapelbädden, Malmö.
»Anke Feuchtenberger är ett av de främsta namnen inom den tyska och europeiska alternativseriescenen. Hennes bilder är ofta drömska, inte sällan med mörka undertoner och alltid med en explosiv energi precis under ytan. Feuchtenberger är en kvinna vars konst är kompromisslös på det bästa av sätt, som inte backar för det hårda och ibland oförståeliga, men inte heller för att lyfta fram det barnsliga och väldigt mänskliga i sina karaktärer.
Denna utställning berättar historier ur Feuchtenbergers seriealbum om W the Whore. På plats kommer också att finnas exempel ur hennes utgivning.«
Exhibited: Anke Feuchtenberger.